The guests lecture dedicated to ”Cambodia’s Petroleum Legal Framework” organized at RULE on January 17th was a great success, with discussions focusing on the evolution of the framework governing petroleum activities from the 1991 regulations to the 2019 petroleum law, including the various agreements available and Cambodia’s choice for product sharing agreement and conditional petroleum […]
Category Archives: News and Activities
On December 12th-13th, the final Greencap Conference took place at the Royal University of Law and Economics. This final conference comes to terminate a four year long project : GREENCAP Project, funded by the EU, which objective was to have a long-lasting impact on the Cambodian high education towards the realization of the SDGs. Amongst […]
On December 13th, RULE hosted a Green Job Fair throughout the day with the ambition to connect employers evolving on the green economy with our 18,000 students, thus inspiring them to choose careers in line with the Royal Government’s objectives of sustainability. Indeed, RULE is deeply committed to instill green skills and sets of competences […]
On November 16th, from 8am. to 5.30pm. at the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MoLVT), RULE and MoLVT have successfully co-organized a symposium on the theme of ”Labor Law in a Digital World: the Case of Remote Labor and Digital Workers” in French language, as a result of the Tonlé Sap Project, a scientific […]
On October 7th 2023, RULE-ULB dual master’s degree in international business law organized a ceremony for its 2022 graduates, under the chairmanship of the program’s patron and Senior Minister, H.E. Pr. Sok Siphana. Were also present H.E. Thierry Dalimier, Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Belgium in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Dr. Soeun Sophorn, Vice-Rector […]
L’Université Royale de Droit et Sciences Economiques lance un appel à candidature pour l’obtention de trois bourses de mobilité internationale vers l’Université de Galatasaray à Istanbul pour l’année universitaire 2023-2024 : -une bourse de mobilité professoriale pour une mission enseignement d’une durée d’une semaine ; -deux bourses de mobilité étudiante d’une durée d’un mois chacune. Les […]
Enrollment is now open for RULE Dual Master’s Degrees in International Law: -The dual master’s degree in public and international law, with Université Paris Vincennes – Saint-Denis; -the executive dual master’s degree in international business law, with the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Both master’s degrees feature the following: 1.the award of 2 accredited master’s diplomas […]
RULE dual master’s degree in public international law is pleased to announce that 4 students will soon depart for a one semester fully accredited exchange program, to the most prestigious SciencesPo Paris or Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, our new partner universities in Western Europe, adding to the already long list of existing academic collaborations: […]
International Dual Degrees Programs in Economics and Management offered by French Cooperation Department of the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) provide worldwide recognized certificates from French universities. Apply NOW! Admission application for the academic year 2023-2024 is open. A bachelor’s degree program and three master’s degree programs are available: For more information, we […]
On July 3rd, the graduation ceremony for the dual master’s in public and international law took place at RULE in Hall G at 6pm., under the presidency of H.E Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, and patron of the dual master’s program, who honored our graduates with his wise words and […]