Category Archives: News and Activities

Prestigious French Institution to visit RULE Students

Mrs Mariana LOSADA, Regional Director, Southeast Asia for Université de Paris, Science Po and Inalco and Mrs Johanna MANSSON DELERCE, Project Manager in charge of Academic Affairs for the French Embassy in Cambodia came to RULE to discuss with students and present them with opportunities to continue their studies in prestigious French higher education institutions […]

RULE International Programs co-organize ‘Insurance Essay Competition’

On March 17th 2022, the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), a leading university in Cambodia, co-organized an event for the Insurance sector together with Prudential Cambodia, an insurance provider, to award the winners of an essay competition promoting access to insurance for women. The event was also attended by Dr. Hor Sovathana, the […]

RULE’s Webinar on Cyber Security Law A Great Success

On the morning of Thursday, April 7th, at 10am., RULE has hosted a webinar discussing the new Cyber Security Law draft with Pr. Ou Phannarith, director of ICT security at the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and professor of Cyber Security within the international master program in public international law jointly organized between RULE and […]


Certificates Awarding Ceremony: On the evening of March 21st, and after completing the three-day specialized Seminar on ”The Legal Principles of EU Law” with Pr. Dana Alexandru, who came on academic mobility from Sibiu University to conduct this course, RULE students were awarded a certificate for their participation. It was a great opportunity to celebrate […]

H.E Dr. Sok Siphana Visits RULE for a Book Donation

On the morning of March 16th, H.E Dr. Sok Siphana, visited RULE in order to proceed with a substantial book donation to RULE’s legal department, including important works pertaining to business law in Cambodia. He was gently received and greeted by Mr BUN Reasmey, Vice-Rector at the Royal University of Law and Economics who thanked […]


RULE is pleased to announce that on the morning of March 1st, it signed a MoU with Sala Traju Association, which mission is to facilitate legal education for Cambodians. The MoU will enable RULE and Sala Traju to coordinate their research activities in the field of legal studies, especially the joint organization of public lectures, […]

Warm congratulations to the laureates of our Insurance Essay Competition!

In partnership with Prudential Cambodia, we have organized for the first time an Insurance Essay Competition. This event has seen 63 students from 10 Cambodian higher education institutions answering the following question: how to improve access to affordable insurance for women? A jury composed of professionals from the insurance industry and representatives of the academic […]

Fully Funded Erasmus Mobility in Spain for Two RULE Master’s Students in International Business Law

Yen Vannida and Ham Sokunbopha, two students enrolled in the international master program in international business law, have safely arrived at Vigo University in Spain within the framework of the international program’s agreement on Erasmus+ mobility. They will stay at Vigo University to complete their master’s thesis for a five months duration. We wish both […]

Victory for RULE! Both RULE GREENCAP Debate Teams Win the debate Competition

Both RULE teams have won the GREENCAP debate competition that was hosted on Saturday 22nd by the National University of Battambang. Team Carpe Diem (Bachelor’s of Law in French Language), composed of Kimeng Pechnguon, Kimeang Pechnguon and Davann Pora), as well as Preopei Baytong Team (composed of Vantha Sodalin, Chhy Norin and Meas Sotheara) have […]