The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) program of the Lumière Lyon 2 University (France) has been building a strong partnership with the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) of Cambodia, that award to French and Cambodian students two official Master’s diplomas, a Master 2 in Social and Solidarity Economics from Lyon 2 University and a Master 2 in Entrepreneurship and Project Management from RULE.
In the framework of this program, we organize every year a study trip in Kampot province to bring students on the field of actors of social, economic and territorial development, and have them work on the possibilities of consolidation and swarming of these projects. Beyond so-called traditional teaching, French and Cambodian students discover other forms of entrepreneurship and economic development, based on community and development of local resources.
This notebook (both in English and French) of the chair tells the story of this study trip.
To discover and download here: