On May 11th, RULE and the Ministry of Commerce conducted a workshop dedicated to the new consumer protection law for officials of the General-Directorate for Consumer Protection, Competition and Fraud Repression. The workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and initiated by HE Buon Sarakmony, Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, and Pr. Laurent Mesmann, Special Advisor to the Rector, RULE. The objective of the workshop was to reinforce the understanding of MoC civil servants of the law on consumer protection and explore avenues for its implementation, through a comparison with the European and Spanish experiences. Pr. Pablo Carballo-Calero, in mobility at RULE from Vigo University, provided a comparative analysis of both legal frameworks. Pr. Paul Mornet, from RULE, moderated the event. RULE would like to express its most sincere gratitude all the participants, and especially HE Buon Sarakmony, Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, for the success of the workshop.