Congratulations to the new graduates!
24 RULE students have received their Master’s Degree Diploma from Nantes University in Risk Management in Banking, Finance and Insurance, on March 27th, at a graduation ceremony organized by RULE and Nantes, and attended by Pr. Thomas Vallee, French Embassy,Mrs Johanna Mansson-Delerce, Campus France as well as Mrs Nathalie Vergez and Jannic Huteau, from Nantes University.
We are proud of their achievement and confident in their ability to strive on the increasingly competitive Cambodian market, thanks to the skills they have acquired from our international Faculty.
The graduates will also receive their RULE Master’s diploma, as a part of the dual degree program leading to the award of two Master’s degrees. RULE is the only university in Cambodia to propose a dual degree with such a prestigious European university, at a very affordable rate