Pr. Anaid Panossian Conducted a Conference on Fisheries Law and the Protection of Maritime Resources at RULE on March 24th

On the evening of Friday March 24th, at RULE in Hall G, Pr. Anaid Panossian conducted a conference dedicated to International Fisheries Law for an audience composed of law students and experts in the field. The conference, which lasted for two hours, covered various aspects of fisheries law, including its sources, the emergence of new patterns related to compliance and the EU role in fostering dialogue with States lacking transparency in their management of under-water resources. Pr. Anaïd Panossian, LLB (Université Jean Moulin Lyon III), LLM (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis-University North Carolina), PhD (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Laboratoire Groupement d’Études et de Recherches sur le Droit International et Comparé, GEREDIC) is a professor of public international law specialising in international maritime law and fisheries, with a track record of publications and consultancies in this field of expertise. At RULE, Pr. Panossian intervenes within the international master programs in international law, conducting the core course on Public International Law. Aside from her academic involvement with RULE, Pr. Panossian is also a professor at the Université de Nantes in France, where she conducts the course Master 2 courses on the international law of fisheries and the law and security of maritime and oceanic activities. She is also associated with the European Commission within the General Department of international partnerships, as well as the Inter-American Development Bank as legal expert.