I am Menghoung. I come from Prey Veng province. Throughout my high school years, I harbored a deep passion for economics, nurtured by a burning desire to pursue a master’s degree in France and explore different corners of the world. With unwavering determination, I applied to study Development Economics at RULE after completing high school.
My goal was clear: to delve deeper into the intricacies of economics, both in theory and practice and to develop into a seasoned professional in this field. Upon completing the foundation year at RULE, I committed myself wholeheartedly to attaining a higher-quality education in economics. Through hard work and dedication, I successfully passed the exam that granted me enrollment into the international program, which allowed me to obtain dual degrees which is one from Lumière Lyon 2 University and another one from Royal University of Law and Economics; and all courses were taught in English. This provided me with a valuable opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills under the guidance of exceptional professors, both Cambodian and foreign.
The year 2022 became a significant milestone in my journey, as my relentless efforts were rewarded with the prestigious French Government Scholarship. This remarkable achievement opened the doors for me to pursue my master’s degree in France, a profound opportunity for which I am immensely grateful. I eagerly look forward to continuing my educational journey, making meaningful contributions to the field of economics in my country.
I extend heartfelt gratitude to my parents, professors, and friends who have supported me along this remarkable path. With enthusiasm and optimism, I embrace the future, eager to create a positive impact and explore new horizons in the captivating realm of economics.