Burgundy School of Business (BSB) is a renowned private higher education institution located in Dijon, France. BSB is a business school offering both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. BSB shines in the international rankings with a seat on the podium of the Happy At School 2020 ranking (based on five criteria: facilities and environment, education, student life, relations with companies and confidence in the future) and a place in the Top 100 of the Financial Time Ranking.
Every year, the French Cooperation Department in Economics and Management nominates the most outstanding students for its student exchange programs. Student exchange programs give the chance to our students to complete their master’s degree program in a French partner institution with a tuition fees exemption.
We are proud to count BSB as a new partner in the framework of our student exchange program. BSB is ready to host our students in France with a great environment, a proven quality of learning and various experiences. This new partnership broadens the mobility opportunities for our students. It shows as well that the French Cooperation Department in Economics and Management always commits to provide great learning experiences and to strengthen the next generations to contribute to the community.
For more information about the possibility to enroll in a dual Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program in Economics and Management, please contact Ms SOK Marineth 096 905 3988 / [email protected]
For more information about Burgundy School of Business: https://www.bsb-education.com/?lang=en