In partnership with Prudential Cambodia, we have organized for the first time an Insurance Essay Competition. This event has seen 63 students from 10 Cambodian higher education institutions answering the following question: how to improve access to affordable insurance for women?
A jury composed of professionals from the insurance industry and representatives of the academic field was in charge to assess the essays and to select the three best ones. We would like to express our warm congratulations to the three laureates of the Insurance Essay Competition distinguished by the jury:
- 1st: Ms SAING Muylin from the Institute of Foreign Languages, 500$ prize money offered by Prudential Cambodia
- 2d: Ms KAGNAK Tevy Ponlork from Paragon International University, 400$ prize money offered by Prudential Cambodia
- 3d: Mr DYSAM Sodyna from Paragon International University, 350$ prize money offered by Prudential Cambodia

The three laureates will be also offered the opportunity to do an internship at Prudential Cambodia.
We would like to thank our partner, Prudential Cambodia, and all the participants to this competition. We hope being able to organize a second edition next year.