On December 20th, 2022, at 2pm., RULE has co-organized with Sorbonne University an international symposium dedicated to the theme of ”Legal Tools at the Service of the Environment”, in Hall G at RULE campus.
The symposium hosted tenured law professors from Sorbonne University as well as Cambodian professors and discussed how various legal categories, especially in private law, have been dramatically affected by the growing scrutiny pertaining to rising environmental challenges and constraints.
The symposium was divided into two parts. The first sequence discussed how legal categories shall adapt to offer an effective environmental protection, with speakers including:
-H.E. Sum Sokhamphou, undersecretary of State and professor at RULE, who spoke of the importance of the environment within the Cambodian legal system;
-Pr. Bucher Charles-Edouard, from Nantes University, on the theme of nature as a legal person.
The second sequences discussed the legal tools available to ensure the effective implementation of environmental strategies, with speakers including:
-Pr. Haftel Bernard, from Sorbonne University, on the reparation of ecological prejudice;
-Pr. Dumont Béatrice, from Sorbonne University, on the economics of environmental law;
-Pr. Cazala Julien, from Sorbonne University, on investment law and environmental protection.
RULE would like to express its gratitude for all participants in the symposium, with the hope that it will encourage scientific conversations about the crucial relation between law and environment.