Please click on the buttons below to download the application forms for our two programs.
Both applications are due by Deadline 1st September 2021
You may submit your completed application and supporting documents separately, but you are strongly encouraged to submit everything at the same time. Please review the checklist below and make sure that you have submitted the following documents prior to the application deadline.
Application Checklist:
- The completed Application Form
- A current Curriculum Vitae
- A copy of academic records (Diplomas and Academic Transcripts: high school, Bachelor’s degree and any other degrees)
- Valid Passport or Identity Card;
- Two ID photos (In addition to the photo attached to this Application Form)
- The completed Scholarship Request Form if you are seeking a scholarship
For the Executive Master’s Degree in International Business Law, please return the completed form to our Registrar : Secretariat of the French Cooperation Center of RULE, Building A, 2nd floor. Please click the button below to download the application form for the Executive Master of International Business Law program. You may submit the form in person at the French Cooperation Law Department at RULE (Building A, Second Floor) or electronically by sending the completed form to: [email protected].
For the Master’s Degree in Public and International Law, please return the completed form to our Registrar : Secretariat of the French Cooperation Center of RULE, (Building A, 2nd floor) to: Please click the button below to download the application form for the Master of Public & International Law program. You may submit the form in person at the French Cooperation Law Department at RULE (Building A, Second Floor) or electronically by sending the completed form to: [email protected].
Note: All applicants are required to pay a $100 application fee at the time of submitting an application to either program. Applicants who submit electronically must pay this fee in person as soon as possible after submitting their application.
If you have any questions regarding the programs or the application process, please contact the Program Director (EN) at: [email protected] or Sambo OEURN: +855(0) 69 990 197/ +855(0) 99 35 38 99 .