The French Embassy in Cambodia has been a key partner of the French Cooperation Department at RULE since its creation. From direct funding and the allocation of human resources that strongly contributed to build the capacity of the French Cooperation Department at RULE, the support of the French Embassy in Cambodia has gradually changed to mainly focus today on teacher and student mobility.
Indeed, the French Embassy in Cambodia helps to finance the teaching missions of the visiting scholars coming from our partner universities. Besides, the French Embassy in Cambodia runs every year its “Bourse du Gouvernement Français (BGF)” scholarship program. This scholarship program offers the opportunity to our best students to continue their studies in a master’s degree program in France.
In return, the French Cooperation Department at RULE shares its expertise in terms of academic cooperation, training and research programs with the French Embassy in Cambodia in order to ease and support every initiative of the Embassy in these fields.
For more information about French Embassy in Cambodia, please click here