Pr. Vincent Tomkiewicz is a professor of international law at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes and assumes the direction of the international master in Public International Law in partnership with RULE. He obtained his PhD in international economic law in 2004 from the Sorbonne University prior to become a professor at Nice University.

-L’Organisation mondiale du commerce et les sujets de droit : Colloque de Nice des 24 et 25 juin 2009

-Les réparations collectives devant la Cour pénale internationale, 2019

-L’affaire Russie – Mesures concernant le trafic en transit: un Groupe spécial à l’épreuve de l’article XXI du GATT de 1994, 2020

Course: WTO Law

Course Modalities:

-Hourly Volume: 15 hours;

-Scheduled: July;

-Program: International Master in Public International Law (Paris 8), Year 2.

Course Overview: WTO law is part of international economic law and, more generally, a branch of public international law. It consists of a set of rules concerning the functioning of the Organisation and of principles and disciplines that Members undertake to respect in their trade relations in order to promote free trade. These different elements are successively addressed in this course, the objective is to provide students with the necessary knowledge to understand and assess this law.

Course Structure:

After a first module aimed at presenting the Organisation and its functioning and a second one concerning the dispute settlement mechanism, this course focuses on different aspects of the substantive law of the WTO, such as the principles governing the multilateral trading system, the means developed to ensure market access for goods, the exceptions to the obligations of Members provided for within the system and the framework of trade defence measures. This is followed by two modules specifically focusing on the new areas covered by the trading system, namely services and intellectual property. Finally, the course contains a last module on a major and recurrent issue in the WTO: development.


An examination is administered at the end of the course.