Erik Van den Haute is Professor in contract law and in european private and comparative law at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) where he graduated in 1995 (licence), 1996 (licence en droit économique) and 2008 (Dr.iur.). He also teaches comparative company law in France (LLM, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3). He is the author of more than 50 articles in Belgian and international journals & books. Erik VAN DEN HAUTE is co-director of the Executive Master in International Business Law in Phnom Penh (Royal University of Law & Economics). As an attorney in law, he has been practising over more than 20 years at the Bruxelles Bar and several times as an arbitrator. He has pleaded in several countries. Erik VAN DEN HAUTE is also a founding member of the Academy for private european law (Salzburg, Austria), as well as a member of the Groupe de Travail Contrats Internationaux (chaired by Filip De Ly), of the Association Capitant and of the European Society of Contract Law. He has been working several times as expert for the Belgian government and assisted the government in the elaboration of new legislation (class-actions, mortgage backed loans).
–Harmonisation européenne du crédit hypothécaire : perspectives de droit comparé, de droit international et européen, LSB. ULB-COLLEC, 2010
–Le droit des obligations dans les jurisprudences française et belge, Collection de l’Académie de droit privé européen t.1, 2013
–Les obligations contractuelles en pratique: Questions choisies LSB. ULB-COLLEC, 2015
–Contrats spéciaux: La vente, LSB, 2018
-Company Law
-Private International Law