Professor Laura-Maria Crăciunean-Tatu is a professor at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, specializing on the rights of minorities, international humanitarian law, diplomatic law and international criminal law. She received her PhD in 2008. She is also the chair of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and represents Romania on the Council of Europe’s Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
Publications (selection) Books:
- Drept internațional public [Public International Law], Hamangiu, Bucharest, 2008 (1st ed.), 2014 (2nd ed.) – co-authored;
- Drept internațional umanitar [eng. International Humanitarian Law], Hamangiu, Bucharest, 2014 (1st ed.), 2019 (2nd ed.);
- Protecția diversității culturale în dreptul internațional: modelul „uniți în diversitate”?, [eng. International Protection of Cultural Diversity: „the United in Diversity” Model?], Hamangiu, Bucharest, 2013;
- Protecția drepturilor culturale în dreptul internațional [eng. The International Protection of Cultural Rights], C.H. Beck, Bucharest, 2011.
- Repere din jurisprudența Comitetului ONU pentru drepturile Economice, Sociale și Culturale (eng. Selection of views from the jurisprudence of the UN CESCR), Annals of the West University of Timișoara, Law Series, 2018, pp.5- 20;
- The CESCR, 50 Years Latter: Developments in Respect of the Justiciability of ESC Rights and the Universality, Indivisibility, Inter-relatedness and Interdependence of all Human Rights in Antônio Augusto Cançado Trinidade, C. Barros Leal, R. Z. Ribeiro Leão (eds.), O Cinquentenário dos Dois Pactos de Direitos Humanos da ONU, Instituto Brasiliero de Direitos Humanos, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2016, pp. 203-232;
- Transplanting Democracy and Human Rights in a Post-communist Country: some Comments on the Role of the Venice Commission’s Opinions in Respect of Romania, in Baltic Yearbook of International Law vol. 15 (2015), Brill/Nijhoff Publisher, 2016;
- Cultural Rights and a Right to Cultural Identity before the European Court of Human Rights: Present Approaches and Future Challenges in D. Moura Vicente, Towards a Universal Justice? Putting International Courts and Jurisdictions into Perspective, Brill/Nijhoff Publisher, pp. 136-162;
- Implementing Cultural Diversity within and outside the European Union: a test for the EU’ s and its Members States Competences in Cultural Matters? in Christ University Law Journal, vol. 4, no.1/2015, (January-June 2015), pp. 103-123, ISSN 2278-4322, Bangalore, India;
- The Draft Law on the Protection of National Minorities in Romania: Towards a Legal Definition of the Syntagma “National Minority”? in A. Oriolo, A. Vigorito (eds.), La “dimensione culturale” nel diritto interno ed internazionale, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2014, pp. 99-129;
- Religious Diversity in Romania – Europe’s Best Pupil?, in M.-C. Foblets, N. Yassari (eds.), Approches juridiques de la diversité culturelle/Legal Approaches to Cultural Diversity, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, Leiden/Boston, 2013, pp. 637-678;