Dr. Frederico Ferretti is a Professor of Economic Law and Financial Markets at the University of Bologna since October 2018. His research interests are mainly in EU market law, in particular from the perspective of consumers and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). His current research focuses on the protection of users of financial services, economic and social inclusion, and digital markets.
Pr. Ferretti has obtained his PhD in 2008 from the University of Leeds (UK).
He is the Winner of the 2019 call of a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence ‘Consumers and SMEs in the Digital Single Market’.
Pr. Ferretti is a member of the Financial Services User Group (FSUG) of the European Commission, advising in the preparation of legislation or policy initiatives which affect the users of financial services, providing insight, opinion and advice concerning the practical implementation of such policies, proactively seeking to identify key financial services issues which affect users of financial services, and liaising with and providing information to financial services user representatives and representative bodies at the European Union and national level.
Pr. Ferretti is a member of the Consumer Policy Advisory Group (CPAG) of the European Commission. As part of a new model of partnership between the Commission, Member States and other stakeholders, the CPAG advises the Commission on the implementation as well as the monitoring of the European consumer agenda.