Dr. Anne-Sophie Milard (Ph.D Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, LLM Essex University) is a professor of common law and contract law from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where she conducts various courses including international business law, competition law and private international law. She also conducts lectures at Université Paris-Saclay at the Doctoral School and within the Master 2 Droit Notarial in common law and contract law. Prior to her academic career, Dr. Milard also worked as a business lawyer for Bouygues Offshore and for a prestigious law firm in Qatar. She is fluent in French, English and Italian, with a working knowledge of Spanish and Arabic.

Dr. Milard most recent publications are:
-« De l’intérêt du trust implicite pour pallier le défaut de reconnaissance du principe du concubinage en droit anglais », RJPF 2021-12/26, p. 40 à 43;
-« Introduction au Droit anglais », Éditions Ellipses, 280-300 pages, BAT, 2022
-Réflexions de droit franco-anglais sur le droit de la famille, coming soon at IRJS.

Introduction to International Business Law